What is Eyelash Lift and What is it for?

What is Eyelash Lift and What is it for?
eyelash lift, eyelashes

What is Eyelash Lift and What is it for?

Dec 16, 2019

If you are tired of applying eye makeup everyday but you dream of having a beautiful and expressive look, then the eyelash lift is exactly what you need in order to make your life easier and at the same time remain always beautiful!

If your eyelashes are not as thick and voluminous as you would like them to be, then this treatment will help to strengthen your lashes and make them thicker and healthier. One of the compounds used in this procedure is keratin. It penetrates deep into the lashes, nourishes and moisturizes them.

If you are tired of using a lash curler, but desperately want to get the desired bend — then lash lift will help you. After this procedure the eyelashes become curled, and your eyes visually look bigger. This is especially helpful for if you have unruly eyelashes.

During this procedure, the eyelashes also get tinted, which means that you can forget about the constant usage of a mascara and about removing the eye makeup afterwards!

While it is not recommended to sleep with your face in the pillow and dive in the water with lash extensions, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your lashes with eyelash lift. You can lead a normal lifestyle, wash your face as you want, and even use makeup products if you want. Lash lift doesn’t suffer from any activities. 

A huge plus of this treatment is the natural effect. Be sure that many people will not suspect that you have gone through this procedure, but will only admire your eyelashes. 

Of course, some people are concerned about the duration of the results and how often you need to get it done. The effect of this procedure lasts from 4 to 8 weeks, which is a pretty long period.

No matter what kind of eyelashes you have — long, medium or short, this procedure is suitable for everyone!